The value for t will be your answer. In the first month the odometer on the car records 800 miles. Rational And Irrational Numbers Color By Number And Pixel Art Pixel Art Math About Me Irrational Numbers The number 0 is a rational number if it can be represented in the form of pq and q not equal to 0. . 062581 Ryan thinks the value is irrational because the decimal does not have a pattern. Hence 0 is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction so it is rational. From past experience she expects to drive 900 miles per monthselect all the functions that can be used to find the number of miles fn recorded on the odometer after n monthsofn 800n 100fn 9001 - 100fn 900n 8001 800. A rational number is a sort of real number that has the form pq where q0. Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence which forms the content of this project. A number having repeating or te...